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Pearl Road Auto Wrecking


PHONE 661-8410



women will be welcomed



4241 LORAIN AVE 281-1904

tues. 4-8 fri. 9:30 2 sat. 10-3 wed. 4-8 a nonprofit alternative to rip-off food stores






Fr, Sat-11-11


we sell SIX STEPS DOWN &Trade paperbacks

Tuesday-Saturday: 10 am-6 pm Thurs. til 8 pm; Sunday 11am-5 pm

We especially WANT:

Feminist books, Science Fiction, Mysteries, Cookbooks, Children's books.

Now available: New publications from Women in Distribution, posters from Women's Graphic Collection. 4241 Lorain Ava. (above West Side People's Co-op) 281-1904

Thoughts on "Welfare Cheaters"

Just a thought that I would like to share. I feel as though the poor in this society are controlled. We are housed together by being denied the right to mix in the upper-class neighborhoods. We are limitedly employed. Society places us in certain jobs.

Why is it that from the President on down to judges and lawyers can shirk financial responsibility and continue to live and let their families carry on in the way that they are accustomed to living. Them with their beautiful homes in the suburbs and rural sections of this city that is decaying in the middle. I live in the middle.

Why are we Welfare Cheaters? They allow us to own televisions and go to the movies... Educate us just enough to read and comprehend what their life is all about... They implant a dream into our heads. We are not greedy people. We only want a semblance of what you have. A clean, ratand roach-free home to raise our children in. Inexpensive but decent furniture. Some of us desire cars and a half-way decent school system.

Divorce (continued from page 7)

County, there will be a hearing. It is important to have witnesses besides yourself and written reports such as hospital records, to bring to the hearing.

Property [house, car, furniture]

If you think your husband will take or sell your property or property you both own (such as a car, where the title is in both of your names), you can file for another type of TRO. This will order your husband not to sell or dispose of your property. The judge will give you this order without a hearing. You may also be told by the court not to sell the property either.


Support Groups and Emergency Help

Alcohol Hotline

Victim's Service Unit

Society says, "How dare you want these things? You don't deserve them." Are we lazy breed? There are unemployed people with Masters degrees on welfare rolls. I know there are. I personally know at least one. If we are truly lazy as you say and don't want to work, then why did several hundred call in after they found out about the investigation to tell that they were employed? Why did we wait until With some of our limited education and training, we can only make minimum wages which won't support our families properly without assistance. We're not working to try and live like "him". We're trying to work and live above a person who is on Welfare and is not working.


Fault us for that if you must. It's a vicious circle for us. The circle never spirals upward.

Fault us if you must, but first understand why we do what we do.

A Welfare Recipient Case # 2 small 2 be counted 4 --Sharon Whittington

stop to admire that baby. So why not let elderly people live in places where there are babies too,''


Along with her work on behalf of the people she calls "my seniors," Toni Podojil is still keeping a hand in the labor union business acting as an informal advisor to anyone with union questions or problems. "It's getting harder and harder to organize," she points out, "because of the laws. Money talks all over the world, y'know, and management always has more money than the people who are trying to organize."

Her advice to young people: "If they read their history, they'll see that the world repeats itself. The younger people, they don't want to hear about what happened to us. They think 40-hour week, and they think holiday pay, and paid insurance. But there was a great sacrifice made by us for them to get it. And one of these days, they're going to lose it. And when they lose it. I will predict that there's going to be a revolution.'

Toni Podojil's keeping busy while she waits for the revolution, working from behind her cluttered desk at the UAL house. "My desk never gets cleared," she says. "He [UAL Director Don Prock] raises hell with me. And i say, 'Hey, you can always tell who works'.


Toni Podojil works.

Battered Women's Hotline

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center Free Clinic


Psychiatric Emergency

391-2500 961-4422 391-3912 721-4010 229-4545


Welfare Rights Organization WomenSpace



Legal Help and Referrals

American Civil Liberties Union

Legal Aid Society

National Lawyers Guild

People's Law Center

781-6276 Cleveland State University Legal Clinic' 687-2525 Cleveland Women's Counsel 321-8585 Cleveland Women Lawyers Association 696-0385 Free Clinic 721-4010 687-1900 687-2351 631-4741

FBI (continued from page 10)

University Legal Center (CWRU)

Women's Law Fund

368-2677 621-3443

Governmental Agencies

County Welfare Department

Social Security Office

861-7700 476-1414

Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement and Support Office


-Catherine Johns

earth by april

SUNDAY BRUNCH (Sunday liquor, too)

Eggs Florentina

Seafood Bloque

April Appli

Eggs Katherine

Pina Colada Banana Pancake Salad Buffet 114′′ Omelettes

2151 Lee Ad, 371-1438

Tues-Sat. 11:30-3, 5:30-10:30

After Theater 10:30-11:30 Sun. 11-3, 5-9


Page 14/What She Wants/December, 1978

Podojil (continued from page 2)

except we threatened to call the media, and have them come find a bunch of seniors sitting on the floor outside the Governor's office."

Podojil doesn't like the government's solution to housing for the elderly either. She calls high-rises "birdcages" and says she'd like to see seniors living in twoor three-story buildings, with young families, and especially children, mixed in. She explains, "'You've never seen an elderly person, especially a woman, walk down a street and see a baby, and not


taken the initiative in proposing "right to work" laws that would invalidate union contracts, and Nazis are organizing openly in public high schools. We believe that the ongoing "investigation" in the women's and gay communities amounts to nothing less than a calculated effort to isolate progressive forces which have traditionally joined together to resist such forms of oppression. We have witnessed the partial success of similar efforts in what is now referred to as "the McCarthy era”. We will another witch not participate in hunt. McCarthyism is a high price to pay for the illusion of domestic tranquillity. And surely, it would be no more than an illusion in the hands of those who engineered and defended the war in Southeast Asia, and now seek support for repressive regimes in South Africa and Latin America.

We therefore demand an immediate end to the harassment of the feminist and gay communities. We suggest that you monitor closely the activities of agents in Boston, New Haven, New York, Baltimore Washington, D.C. and Lexington, Kentucky in this regard. We have every reason to believe tha COINTELPRO has not been discontinued in thos places -or anywhere? We do not call on you tɩ refrain from this harassment because we trust i your good will; we demand it because we believe is exercising our rights.